Friday, July 10, 2009

Why I Went Veggie

...eighteen hours ago.
I've always been pro-animal rights, but never saw myself vegetarian. I'm not sure why; I just never thought of it.
Since early in 2007, the only product I use that have been tested on animals is Ziplock bags. I don't even use the free toothpaste from the dentist. I find animal testing disgusting, wasteful, and--quite literally--heart breaking.
I dissected a squid once; I almost puked. So, I took notes and wrote my initials in the ink. See, squids are pretty cool. When you aren't cutting them up with a bunch of eighth graders.
Since mid-2008, I have been a partial-vegetarian. It started with no fish and no game (who could ever eat Bambi?), and ended up being processed food only because everything else made me think of the animals that were killed (and no egg yolks if possible because they're just...ew).
So, I gave up meat entirely yesterday because I was sick of it. I was sick of battling my conscience over eating an animal. I was sick of completely supporting all of PETA except for one word in their mission statement. I was sick of making myself sick knowing what I was eating. I was sick of damaging my health. I was just sick of it, so I gave it up. I ordered a starter kit from and signed their pledge to be a vegetarian for at least thirty days.
It seems like a really simple thing, but it's far from that. I have actually struggled with this. And now that I have it off of my metaphorical shoulders, I feel so much better.
It's been really easy so far. But I know it will be harder soon.
I'll update in a couple days.

First Bloggg.

About three people are going to read this. But, whatever.

Sometimes, I can't put thoughts into spoken words. So they will be going here.

I just (just=eighteen hours ago) took the Pledge To Be Veg for thirty days, so I'm going to write a blog every few days(-ish) on progress, thoughts ect. Since I'm Amy, I'm going to write another right after posting this, instead of posting it in this one.

Stay cute, yeah?